Disability on AmItheAsshole Archive


Date Post Score
Oct 1, 2023 AITA For telling my friend with autism she shouldnt throw an Autism awaress party in October when its SPD awareness month? Post is locked 0
Sep 30, 2023 AITA for yelling at my autistic cousin and causing her to have a meltdown 898
Sep 30, 2023 AITA for being bothered by my autistic classmate who keeps following me and my friends? 6
Sep 30, 2023 AITA for getting mad when someone called me the R word 0
Sep 29, 2023 AITA for voting for the disabled kid in my class to be class rep 1
Sep 28, 2023 WIBTA for hiring a wheelchair when I don’t technically NEED it? Post is locked 2
Sep 28, 2023 AITA for declining to spend time with fellow disabled friend? Post is locked 237
Sep 28, 2023 WIBTA if I called my mate's gf out for making ableist comments? Post is locked 1
Sep 28, 2023 AITA For yelling at a young adult with autism. 55
Sep 28, 2023 AITA if I told a coworker about something my fiance and I do, and them assuming that we're on the autistic spectrum? Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Sep 28, 2023 AITA for bluntly telling someone why their disabled son isn't allowed in my muscle car? 6K
Sep 27, 2023 AITA for accusing my beautiful autistic gf(30F) of leading guys on because she's way too popular? Post is locked 5
Sep 27, 2023 AITA: Husband's sister is mad we don't visit her and our disabled nephew often Post is locked 497
Sep 26, 2023 AITA For telling my sister autism is not an excuse to keep breastfeeding? Post is locked 31
Sep 26, 2023 AITA for asking my fiancee's autistic brother to leave the room when she's getting dressed Post is locked 245
Sep 26, 2023 AITA for getting disability seating at a concert after having knee surgery? Post is locked 214
Sep 26, 2023 AITA for making my disabled cat use a slow-feeder bowl? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Sep 24, 2023 AITA for unintentionally splitting up a mom and her (lightly) special needs child? Post is deleted 25
Sep 23, 2023 AITA for refusing to do a Public Security ride-along with my autistic cousin? 79
Sep 23, 2023 AITA for going off on my disabled cousin? 28
Sep 23, 2023 AITA for send my ex an Autism test? Post is deleted 0
Sep 23, 2023 AITA for Challenging My Friend's Ableism? Post is locked 2
Sep 23, 2023 AITA for Challenging My Friend's Ableism? Post is locked 0
Sep 22, 2023 AITA For Telling A Special Needs Girl To Just Fucking Go To The Restroom? 167
Sep 22, 2023 AITA for explaining to my autistic son why Boston and NYC sucks? Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Sep 22, 2023 AITA for Rejecting a Disabled Student's Prom promposal? Post is locked 623
Sep 22, 2023 AITA for showing concern for a child I believe to be autistic? 0
Sep 20, 2023 WIBTA if I told my sister that I don't think she is autistic? 6
Sep 20, 2023 AITA for not letting my autistic teammate play with us in some of our matches. Post is locked 0
Sep 20, 2023 AITA for not wanting to hangout with a friends autistic friend? Post is locked 86
Sep 19, 2023 AITA for getting my autistic son’s hopes up about his favorite musician ? Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Sep 19, 2023 AITA for using a handicapped placard while in my 20’s and able to walk? 251
Sep 19, 2023 AITA for stealing a pencil from special needs kid Post is locked 0
Sep 18, 2023 [ Removed by Reddit ] Post is locked 2
Sep 17, 2023 AITA for screaming at a manager after my mentally disabled girlfriend stole from his store Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Sep 17, 2023 AITA for yelling at my mentally handicapped cousin for cutting up all my dresses? 7K
Sep 17, 2023 AITA for telling a handicapped woman I can no longer work for her? 1K
Sep 17, 2023 AITA for Screaming at an Autistic Kid? Post is locked 2
Sep 17, 2023 AITA for thinking being colorblind isn't that serious of a disability to lie about? Post is locked 0
Sep 16, 2023 AITA for telling my autistic little brother i don't care about him? Post is locked 372
Sep 16, 2023 AITA for being involved in bullying and potentially scarring a disabled kid? Post is locked 2
Sep 15, 2023 AITA for shoving a disabled kid? 0
Sep 15, 2023 AITA for harshly telling two people to STFU about my disability? 312
Sep 14, 2023 AITA for stopping autistic kid playing with mine how he wanted 9
Sep 14, 2023 AITA for refusing to move my car (properly parked within the lines) to allow someone who blocked two disabled spaces to leave. 5K
Sep 13, 2023 WIBTA for leaving my disabled Mom? 7
Sep 13, 2023 AITA, ADHD, College, Tourettes Am I the asshole for wanting to change classes? In my college math course, there's a student with tourettes, and I have severe A.D.D. 5
Sep 13, 2023 AITA for thinking my friend is over exaggerating her disability Post is deleted 1
Sep 13, 2023 AITA for giving a lady open space to make a turn knowing she had a blind spot and she crashed right after? Post is deleted 1
Sep 12, 2023 AITA for not having my son get off the swing for a special needs child? Post is locked Post is deleted 35