Disability on AmItheAsshole Archive


Date Post Score
Oct 17, 2023 AITA for petting a dog that I didn't know was a service dog? 24
Oct 17, 2023 AITAH for giving a disabled person “flak” 15
Oct 16, 2023 AITA for feeling violated by the special needs kid in my class? 447
Oct 16, 2023 AITA for not wanting to camp with special needs kids 45
Oct 16, 2023 AITA for not wanting my autistic stepbrother in my mum's house? 271
Oct 16, 2023 AITA For Skipping My Second Brother’s Wedding Since My Service Dog is Not Allowed: Post is deleted 236
Oct 16, 2023 AITA For Not Giving my Room to my Autistic Cousin? Post is locked 1K
Oct 15, 2023 AITA for not wanting my autistic sister to come to my birthday party? 5K
Oct 15, 2023 WIBTA if I asked a blind person to pick up after her service dog? 291
Oct 15, 2023 AITA For not wanting to hang out with a lower functioning autistic adult Post is locked 2
Oct 15, 2023 AITA for telling my neighbour that her son's disability is not my issue? Post is locked 1K
Oct 15, 2023 AITA for not wanting to be around my disabled family member because he makes me uncomfortable? Post is locked Post is deleted 17
Oct 14, 2023 AITA for being disabled? 0
Oct 14, 2023 AITA? Mother abusing disabled child and I just stood there Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Oct 14, 2023 AITA for not cooking my autistic brother’s “safe” food? 6K
Oct 14, 2023 AITA? disabled person stopped at red light, looked at it then went anyways Post is locked 2
Oct 13, 2023 AITA My autistic self (f23) told my (f24) gf that I have an office crush. Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Oct 13, 2023 AITA - Boyfriend Let Autistic Toddler Stay in Bed for Over 5 Hours so He Didn't Have to Fight with Her Post is locked 1K
Oct 13, 2023 AITA? A woman demanded info on my condition so I asked her extremely personal questions. 17K
Oct 13, 2023 AITA for telling my daughter she just needs to focus and doesn't need learning disability assessments? Post is locked 0
Oct 12, 2023 AITA for not hiding food from my autistic brother? 2K
Oct 11, 2023 AITA for expecting my disabled aunt to do housechores? 12
Oct 9, 2023 WIBTA for not wanting to be a caregiver to a spouses disabled sibling? Post is locked 338
Oct 9, 2023 AITA for refusing to attend my best friend’s wedding because they didn’t accommodate for my daughter’s disability Post is locked Post is deleted 2K
Oct 9, 2023 AITA for joking about my girlfriend’s learning disability? Post is locked 0
Oct 8, 2023 WIBTA if I asked my autistic friend to think about the way that she communicates? 0
Oct 8, 2023 AITA for exposing how ableist my neighbor is due to his inability to tell deaf and autistic people apart? 0
Oct 7, 2023 AITA for getting upset with my autistic partner for not going to places that I like 0
Oct 7, 2023 AITA for asking a disabled person to touch their mobility aid? 5K
Oct 7, 2023 AITAH for getting a mentally handicapped person kicked out of a restaurant? Post is deleted 0
Oct 6, 2023 AITA for snapping at an autistic girl because she wouldn’t respect my boundaries and give me space? Post is locked 2K
Oct 5, 2023 AITA for telling another disabled person I hope the rest of their day is as miserable they are? Post is locked 21
Oct 5, 2023 WIBTA for "telling on" my neighbour for "locking me out" of a group meeting by refusing to engage the automatic door (I'm in a wheelchair). 3K
Oct 5, 2023 AITA for supposedly “sexualizing” this girl’s disability? Post is locked 0
Oct 4, 2023 WIBTA if I euthanize our disabled cat Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Oct 4, 2023 AITA for standing up for this disabled worker who is black when racists kept shouting slurs at him Post is locked 0
Oct 3, 2023 AITA for referring to my son as "profoundly autistic"? Post is locked 1
Oct 3, 2023 AITA for drop kicking my autistic cousin out a window after he started doing Fortnite dances? Post is locked 1
Oct 3, 2023 AITA for telling my daughter to take her hat off for her grandfather, who is a disabled veteran? Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Oct 3, 2023 AITA for cutting the line and stealing the handicap stall from a disabled person? 4K
Oct 3, 2023 AITA for leaving my wife with full custody of our autistic son because she cheated? Post is locked 24
Oct 2, 2023 AITA for not wanting to help my disabled mother? 21
Oct 2, 2023 AITA for not getting out of the disabled stall as a chronically ill person when a Karen was screaming at me? I (16/f) and my friend (17/f) Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Oct 2, 2023 AITA For not telling my teacher I’m disabled? I (14/ f) Post is locked 2
Oct 2, 2023 AITA for not letting my autistic brother's tantrums affect my life? 2K
Oct 2, 2023 AITA for introducing my friend to our friend group and getting mad when they called his last relationship autistic? 4
Oct 2, 2023 AITA for making fun of my brother's disabled child? Post is locked 2
Oct 1, 2023 AITA for refusing to help my brother with my severely disabled niece. Post is locked 11K
Oct 1, 2023 AITA for not giving a Karen's son my sister's wheelchair Post is locked 0
Oct 1, 2023 AITA for telling my autistic coworker that he wasn’t invited? Post is locked 3K