Disability on AmItheAsshole Archive


Date Post Score
Jan 4, 2024 AITAH For Telling My Autistic Cousin’s Sister That He Subscribed To My OnlyFans? 36
Jan 4, 2024 AITA for telling my autistic niece to stop? Post is deleted 3
Jan 4, 2024 AITA for making a joke to my autistic friend? 5
Jan 3, 2024 AITA for Making my Autistic Daughter Dress like a Pentecostal for her Safety? Post is locked 0
Jan 3, 2024 AITA for being truthful with my mother in saying that " family vacations" were a nightmare with my high needs autistic sister? Post is locked 2K
Jan 3, 2024 AITA If I (58F) don’t pay vet bills for my son’s (42M) guide dog? 431
Dec 31, 2023 AITA for thinking my disabled mom is taking advantage of her disability? Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Dec 30, 2023 AITA For using a disabled toilet? 0
Dec 30, 2023 AITA for ignoring my possibly disabled aunt on Christmas? Post is locked Post is deleted 9
Dec 30, 2023 AITA for telling my autistic cousin to go home 132
Dec 30, 2023 WIBTA If I Didn't Invite my Gay Autistic Son to my Wedding? Post is deleted 0
Dec 28, 2023 AITA for saying deaf people are very touchy people? Post is locked 0
Dec 28, 2023 AITA for refusing to babysit a special needs stepnephew 2K
Dec 28, 2023 AITA for hiding my sons autism diagnosis from my mother? 17
Dec 27, 2023 AITA for being annoyed by my autistic relative? Post is locked 1
Dec 27, 2023 WIBTA if I cancelled my 18th birthday dinner because accommodating my autistic sister is too difficult? 1K
Dec 27, 2023 WIBTA if I purchase a handicapped/wheelchair ticket at a concert venue a few months after my hip replacement surgery, when I'm moving well? Will people look at me wrong? Post is locked 4
Dec 26, 2023 AITA for not wanting to invite my autistic sister in law to my family birthday dinner? Post is locked 2K
Dec 26, 2023 AITA for not "correctly" including my blind SIL in my wedding 2K
Dec 26, 2023 AITA for not attending Christmas Eve at my daughter's new house because of my other disabled daughter 3K
Dec 24, 2023 WIBTAH for leaving my girlfriend with nothing because she's "too disabled" to work Post is locked 1
Dec 24, 2023 AITA I am an OEF veteran and an amputee, and I played an unintentionally hurtful prank on my friend's daughter using my prosthetic hand? Post is deleted 2
Dec 23, 2023 AITA for not letting my son's grandmother give him a wheelchair 97
Dec 23, 2023 AITA For refusing to acknowledge my sisters autism diagnosis? Post is locked 105
Dec 21, 2023 AITA for “unintentionally” punishing my autistic stepdaughter? 51
Dec 21, 2023 AITA for refusing to punish my son for making an ableist comment? Post is locked Post is deleted 1K
Dec 21, 2023 AITAH for telling my mom I don't want her talking about autism? 4
Dec 20, 2023 AITA for wanting to go to university instead of helping my parents look after my autistic brother? 645
Dec 20, 2023 AITA for not wanting my mother to get an autism diagnosis? Post is locked 4
Dec 20, 2023 AITA for not making my child move to accommodate someone with a possible disability? 3K
Dec 19, 2023 [ Removed by Reddit ] Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Dec 19, 2023 AITA for hating my disabled sister? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Dec 19, 2023 AITA for telling my self-diagnosed autistic boyfriend that self-diagnosis isn’t valid (as a diagnosed autistic woman)? Post is locked Post is deleted 263
Dec 19, 2023 AITA for not wanting to hang out with a classmate alongside my close friends (who have already planned activities)? Especially since one of my major reasons is not wanting her disability to interfere with our plans? 0
Dec 18, 2023 AITA for asking why people are undermining how creepy someone was being regardless of their disability Post is locked 1
Dec 17, 2023 AITA for getting a mom and her kid kicked out of the mall for messing with my service dog 358
Dec 17, 2023 AITA for telling my friend that if she couldn’t keep up because of her disability, she just shouldn’t come 7K
Dec 17, 2023 AITA for snapping at an intellectually disabled parks and rec employee? 28
Dec 17, 2023 AITA for letting my aunt yell at my disabled uncle for being disabled? Post is deleted 2
Dec 17, 2023 AITA for refusing to spend my disability checks on rent? 26
Dec 16, 2023 AITA for for not apologising to my autistic classmate for being top of the class? Post is locked 700
Dec 16, 2023 AITA for swearing at the autistic kid? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Dec 16, 2023 AITA for calling my(20m) deaf brother(17m) an asshole and to shut up? 70
Dec 16, 2023 AITA for getting into a fight with the Autistic kid In my class? Post is locked Post is deleted 5
Dec 15, 2023 AITA for taking a disabled senior's seat? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Dec 15, 2023 AITA for laughing at my boyfriend's disabled grandma? 0
Dec 15, 2023 AITA for arguing with the people working with disabled people because they didn’t want to give my mom her medicine? Post is deleted 1
Dec 15, 2023 AITA for yelling at my autistic friend during a project? 7
Dec 14, 2023 AITA for not thinking my sister is autistic? 4
Dec 14, 2023 WIBTA if I told people to stop shouting at me because I'm hard of hearing? 3