Disability on AmItheAsshole Archive


Date Post Score
Jul 20, 2023 AITA for reporting someone’s 4 service dogs? Post is locked 1
Jul 20, 2023 AITA for leaving my special needs cousin on delivered? Post is locked 4
Jul 20, 2023 AITA for bringing my service dog to a wedding when I know he's a "scary" breed 5K
Jul 20, 2023 AITA for being uncomfortable around my new ‘disabled’ friend Post is locked 0
Jul 19, 2023 AITA for telling my mother how to parent my autistic brother? 196
Jul 18, 2023 AITA for telling my (undiagnosed autistic/ADHD) boyfriend to stop spinning while I am talking to him Post is deleted 1
Jul 18, 2023 AITA for threatening to kick out my autistic daughter? 57
Jul 18, 2023 AITA for telling my daughter she isn’t autistic and refusing to let her get evaluated Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Jul 18, 2023 AITA Wife wants me to no longer be friends with old college friends because of their use of the r-slur Post is locked Post is deleted 259
Jul 18, 2023 AITA for yelling at my autistic nephew? Post is locked 1
Jul 17, 2023 AITAH for expecting my husband to use his disability pay for our family? 6
Jul 17, 2023 AITA because I don’t like my disabled friend Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Jul 17, 2023 AITA for refusing to move my car for a disabled person? 114
Jul 17, 2023 AITA for telling my autistic child that i’m not proud of them for doing simple tasks? Post is locked Post is deleted 7
Jul 17, 2023 AITA for using the disabled bathroom regularly? Post is locked 8
Jul 17, 2023 AITA for Making my Autistic Daughter Attend a Specific College because of its Rules? Post is locked 1K
Jul 17, 2023 AITA for being uncomfortable and having panic attacks around my autistic cousin Post is locked 3
Jul 16, 2023 AITA for not answering all my bf’s autistic sister’s texts and calls 41
Jul 16, 2023 AITA for calling my daughter special needs? Post is locked 0
Jul 16, 2023 WIBTA if i suggested to my MIL to get her youngest son evaluated for Autism Spectrum Disorder? Post is locked 13
Jul 15, 2023 AITA For not letting my autistic cousin use the pool 52
Jul 15, 2023 AITA for telling my autistic friend he needs to control his mood swings 8
Jul 13, 2023 AITA for telling my mom that being a paraplegic isn’t the reason she hates life? 0
Jul 12, 2023 AITA for refusing to fake marry my disabled cousin? 33
Jul 12, 2023 AITA Potentially bullying a special needs kid in my year Post is locked 0
Jul 12, 2023 AITA for arguing with my friend who has autism about his use of the r word? Post is deleted 2
Jul 12, 2023 AITA because we don't want to hangout with this person in a wheelchair? Post is locked 972
Jul 12, 2023 AITA for thinking that my life would be better off without my disabled brother? Post is locked 34
Jul 11, 2023 AITA for boarding the plane when they called for disabled passengers first even though my legs work fine? Post is locked Post is deleted 3
Jul 11, 2023 WIBTA for reporting a coworker for making backhanded comments about my disability? 21
Jul 11, 2023 AITA for not giving a disabled man my seats in the disabled section, when I am not disabled? Post is deleted 2
Jul 11, 2023 AITA for not giving up disabled section seats? Post is deleted 6
Jul 9, 2023 AITA for calling out my girlfriends oldest brother (with special needs) at a wedding? Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Jul 8, 2023 AITA for accusing my parents of neglecting me and my sister in favor of my other disabled sister. Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Jul 7, 2023 AITA for not wanting to give my half-brother a share of the house and estate left to me and my disabled sister? 108
Jul 7, 2023 AITA for not giving a physically disabled person my drink? 741
Jul 7, 2023 AITA for telling a customer not to let his disabled son pee in our parking lot? 38
Jul 5, 2023 AITA for yelling at the disabled classmate? 25
Jul 5, 2023 AITA for calling the police on my disabled step sister 1
Jul 4, 2023 AITA for calling out a parent of a child with a learning disability? 151
Jul 4, 2023 AITA for refusing to give my hand to a disabled woman? Post is locked 1
Jul 3, 2023 AITA for making a recommendation to someone with a disability? Post is locked 0
Jul 2, 2023 AITA for going on a single person trampoline with my disabled brother, in front of others? Post is deleted 2
Jul 1, 2023 AITA for leaving the dishwasher's door open? 19
Jul 1, 2023 AITA for exposing someone for lying about a disability? 694
Jun 30, 2023 AITA for not attending my cousin’s wedding and other family events over a service dog? 313
Jun 29, 2023 AITA for not wanted my disabled sibling at my quinceañera? 170
Jun 29, 2023 AITA for explaining my dog is a real service dog? Post is deleted 1K
Jun 28, 2023 AITA for not liking the disabled kid in my class? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Jun 28, 2023 AITA for calling out my partners friend for being ableist? Post is deleted 0