Disability on AmItheAsshole Archive


Date Post Score
Aug 29, 2023 AITA for yelling at a special needs kid Post is deleted 0
Aug 29, 2023 [deleted by user] Post is deleted 0
Aug 29, 2023 AITA for leaving my family at 24 due to my dissatisfaction with my life and for having a autistic son? Post is locked 0
Aug 29, 2023 AITA for saying IDGAF how many kids my JustNoMIL raised, my kids are special needs and need to be treated as such Post is locked 0
Aug 28, 2023 AITA for telling the school that my daughter has autism 20
Aug 28, 2023 AITA For turning away a disabled, elderly couple at a pub when it was bang on the time we stop serving food? Post is locked 0
Aug 28, 2023 AITA for asking my disabled brother to watch my basketball game 9
Aug 27, 2023 AITA for telling my disabled husband it’s time he went back to work? 1K
Aug 27, 2023 AITA for refusing someone onto a flight because they pet a service dog? Post is locked 190
Aug 27, 2023 AITA for not wanting to give ride to the grocery store to a 70 year old disabled relative? 0
Aug 27, 2023 AITA for reporting the autistic kid? Post is locked 29
Aug 26, 2023 AITA for not loving my special needs sister? Post is locked 27
Aug 26, 2023 AITA for having a go at some random guy for putting his bag on my daughter's wheelchair? Post is locked 175
Aug 26, 2023 WIBTA If I helped my mom to divorce my disabled father? 5
Aug 26, 2023 AITA for pushing my younger brother to be more social when I didn't know he had autism Post is locked 0
Aug 26, 2023 AITA for not liking my special needs little sister? Post is locked 921
Aug 26, 2023 AITA for ‘acting Autistic’ 6
Aug 25, 2023 AITAH, my deaf boyfriend made me angry… Post is locked 0
Aug 25, 2023 AITA for refusing to meet a disabled customer's demands? 1K
Aug 24, 2023 AITA for telling someone the world doesn't revolve around their autistic son? 1K
Aug 24, 2023 AITA for telling my brother that having a disability doesn’t make him special? 254
Aug 24, 2023 AITA for playing against autistic kid? 19
Aug 24, 2023 AITA for trying to get around a parent in a wheelchair with children who were blocking my path? Post is deleted 1
Aug 24, 2023 AITA for suggesting my mentally disabled brother be sent away? Post is locked Post is deleted 5
Aug 23, 2023 AITA for not wanting kids with special needs Post is locked 1
Aug 23, 2023 AITA for partially blinding my cousin with an airsoft gun Post is locked Post is deleted 3
Aug 23, 2023 AITA for telling an autistic girl to **** off? 28
Aug 22, 2023 AITA Am I the ass hole for mocking my friends deaf sister…? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Aug 22, 2023 AITA for not agreeing to get a cat for our slightly autistic child? 8
Aug 21, 2023 AITA for telling a friend their service dog can't stay by itself at the Vrbo 610
Aug 20, 2023 AITA for forcing my autistic sister to use a vacuum? 10
Aug 20, 2023 AITA for telling my husband I would abort a fetus with special needs? Post is locked 7
Aug 20, 2023 AITA because of my autism? 1
Aug 20, 2023 AITA because i am autistic 1
Aug 19, 2023 AITA if I don’t help my disabled ex husband go to his daughters wedding? 1K
Aug 19, 2023 AITA for telling a friend their service dog can't stay at my house 2K
Aug 19, 2023 AITA for despising my disabled family member? Post is locked Post is deleted 3
Aug 19, 2023 AITA for making people think I'm deaf? 203
Aug 18, 2023 AITA for telling my dad he might be autistic? 66
Aug 18, 2023 AITA for confronting my friend with autism on his inability to communicate? 11
Aug 17, 2023 AITA for farting at my boss's 63 year old deaf wife Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Aug 17, 2023 AITA for refusing to attend my sister's vegan wedding because I couldn't bring my service dog? Post is locked Post is deleted 113
Aug 17, 2023 AITA for not talking about my finances to my autistic sister? 414
Aug 16, 2023 WIBTA for asking the parents of the autistic kid next door to keep their kid from screaming so loudly? 49
Aug 16, 2023 AITA for calling my stepmother an "ableist bitch" and saying my dad should divorce her? 1K
Aug 16, 2023 AITA for using my wheelchair at a family event? 7
Aug 15, 2023 AITA for not letting a service dog owner eat inside the restaurant I work at? 48
Aug 15, 2023 AITA for reporting a blind coworker to HR? Post is locked 9
Aug 15, 2023 AITA For Telling my Visually Impaired Mother to be More Independent 5
Aug 15, 2023 AITA for choosing a name for my character that is a pun based on American Sign Language? Post is deleted 1