Disability on AmItheAsshole Archive


Date Post Score
Sep 12, 2023 AITA for not liking a blind girl? Post is locked 2
Sep 11, 2023 AITA for not doing anything when my family and especially my other niece (23F) is defending her younger sister for bullying my autistic son and falsely accusing my autistic son of Sexual Harassment? Post is locked Post is deleted 2
Sep 11, 2023 AITA for calling out a guy who's autistic when he gets too overexcited when playing games? 4
Sep 11, 2023 AITA for suggesting that my cousin may not have a learning disability? Post is deleted 4
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for telling my cousin that he's a worthless parent and that his special needs son woukd be better off with anyone else. 58
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for not doing anything when my niece is bullying my autistic son and falsely accusing my autistic son of Sexual Harassment? Post is locked Post is deleted 0
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for expecting an apology to be around an ex friend following a verbal ableism abuse outburst? AITA for wanting my friends to hold her accountable for this behaviour? Post is locked 2
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for letting my autistic child "bully" her bully Post is locked 1K
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for telling my autistic brother the truth when he asked me why women don’t like /lovehim? Post is locked 1K
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for allowing my niece to bully my autistic son? Post is deleted 1
Sep 10, 2023 AITA for losing my patience and cursing at someone in front of their autistic child? 21
Sep 9, 2023 AITA for showing my autistic sister tough love? 20
Sep 9, 2023 AITA for ignoring my autistic friend over the summer without explanation 6
Sep 9, 2023 AITA? I yelled at a handicapped man on the bus and now feel bad Post is locked 54
Sep 9, 2023 AITA: I (29m) want my mom (64, disabled) to get rid of the puppy my niece gave her for “company” 16
Sep 9, 2023 AITA for not giving up my seat and embarrassing the woman who demanded my seat? 16K
Sep 8, 2023 AITA For wanting to get my service dog back when my landlord made me get rid of her. Post is deleted 1
Sep 8, 2023 WIBTA for not wanting a son/daughter who also has autism? Post is locked 8
Sep 7, 2023 AITA for losing my cool towards a “service animal” and its owner and telling her to control her dog when it barked at me? Post is locked 3
Sep 7, 2023 AITA for blinding a girl and blaming it on her stepbrother? Post is locked 2
Sep 7, 2023 AITA for not wanting to be named as the guardian of my single friend’s very disabled child? Post is locked 47
Sep 6, 2023 WIBTA if I didn’t invite my disabled incel friend to my birthday party? 16
Sep 6, 2023 AITA for calling my special needs friend a female dog? Post is deleted 3
Sep 6, 2023 WIBTA for sending my 12 year old academically gifted autistic son to Texas to live with me? Post is locked Post is deleted 3
Sep 6, 2023 WIBTA for sending my 12 year old academically gifted autistic son to Texas to live with me? Post is deleted 1
Sep 6, 2023 AITA for calling someone ableist and insensitive? 1
Sep 6, 2023 AITA for ignoring my former classmate that is autistic? 71
Sep 6, 2023 AITA for arguing with my UNDIAGNOSED autistic sister? 1
Sep 6, 2023 AITA: for filing a complaint on my neighbour’s autistic son?? Post is locked 9
Sep 5, 2023 AITA for leaving my disabled girlfriend? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Sep 5, 2023 AITA for not wanting to get rid of my autistic son Post is locked 1
Sep 5, 2023 AITA for not wanting my autistic cousin at my child-free wedding? Post is locked 7K
Sep 5, 2023 AITA for getting mad at my autistic sister at dinner 104
Sep 4, 2023 AITA for trying to get a new wheelchair? 76
Sep 4, 2023 AITA for selling my autistic kid to a friend Post is locked 0
Sep 3, 2023 AITA for filling up my disabled sister after she insulted my favorite kpop group, and not accepting her apology? Post is deleted 0
Sep 2, 2023 AITA for not making my wedding sensory friendly for my autistic cousin? Post is locked Post is deleted 152
Sep 2, 2023 AITA for taking a fold-out chair to sit in an 'wheelchair accessibility' seating area? Post is locked 2
Sep 1, 2023 AITA for telling all of my friends to shut up cause they are accusing me of being on disability when I am not ?? Post is locked 0
Sep 1, 2023 AITA for being uncomfortable around an autistic boy? Post is locked 19
Sep 1, 2023 AITA for wanting to kick out a disabled band member 75
Sep 1, 2023 AITA for refusing to help my autistic brother(9M) and obese mother(36F)? Post is locked 1
Sep 1, 2023 AITA for having a service animal? 3
Sep 1, 2023 AITA for refusing to vacation with my disabled friend anymore? 7K
Aug 31, 2023 AITA for telling my mom that my special needs brother is not my responsibility? *long post warning 657
Aug 31, 2023 AITA for being blunt that autism was a dealbreaker? Post is locked 1
Aug 30, 2023 AITA for comparing my cousin to an “out of control autistic kid”? Post is deleted 1
Aug 30, 2023 AITA for yelling at a staff member about my service dog? Post is locked Post is deleted 1
Aug 30, 2023 AITA for accidentally asking to take a picture of someone’s service dog 29
Aug 29, 2023 AITA for "allowing" my adult special needs brother to dance with a girl at a wedding, during which she ended up getting a pretty serious knee injury? Post is deleted 7